Network Rail - Nationwide DNA Guidelines

Project Info

Client: Network Rail Year: 2010

Clear Nationwide DNA Guidelines are vital to ensure the success of Network Rails ambitious redevelopment project.

A consistent vision of a policy for radical change underlined the Network Rail re-design project from day one, and their Nationwide DNA Guidelines, developed by Squaredot, were vital to ensure this vision successfully came to fruition. Central to this vision is altering the attitudes and behaviours of Network Rail staff at every level, and across all job roles. The “look and feel” of Network Rail is an important part of expressing the change in how the company sees itself, how staff feel about their roles and colleagues, and how visitors and the public perceive the organisation.

The “us vs them” mind-set that had previously separated people working in different roles and environments was to be quashed. Communication and socialisation between all employees were to be encouraged through smart spaces and fresh work settings.. Additionally, Network Rail knew the importance of working environments, and that places of work where their services are delivered should reflect what they stand for, whilst ensuring staff continue to feel valued and safe.

The guidelines provided support for developing and designing all aspects of the offices, MDU’s and training facilities that Squaredot were to work on. It was important that the buildings reflect the flatter, non-hierarchical structures implemented within the company. This includes facilitating dialogue, encouraging cross-functional communications, and helping people to work more effectively and efficiently. The functions of Network Rail are highly fluid, and as such it is essential that all workplace environments support this fluidity to enable staff to truly thrive. 

These guidelines led to a consistent feel across the spectrum of working environments, meaning that whether in a busy, sometimes messy, trackside facility or attending a professional meeting at HQ, staff would have the same experience in feeling valued as an important member of the Network Rail team thanks to their environment and re-think of traditional hierarchies. 

The shake up of Network Rails internal infrastructure, way of working and property portfolio developments ran parallel to its shake up of the nation’s rail infrastructure, further providing inspiration for Squaredot and a drive for Network Rail to keep progressing forwards.   

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