Network Rail - George Stephenson House

Project Info

Client: Network Rail Location: York Year: 2018

George Stephenson House Offices | Better communication growing from revitalised surroundings

Amongst the architectural heritage of York, George Stephenson House is the ideal platform to demonstrate a world class organisation in a world class environment, yet for many years the building suffered endemic problems. Squaredot stepped in to find the root of the issues and to revitalise not only the aesthetics, but the functionality and heart of the space. Several attempts had been made to tackle the space before, but Squaredot were able to identify that the lack of a long-term strategy meant that the modifications greatly under performed. With this in mind, a contemporary office space with familiar themes and suited to Network Rails core national functions was designed, allowing for a future-ready fundamental shift in the way they work and a consistency with their business objectives.

At the heart of these business objectives is better communication, not only within teams but also across the different departments that make up the Network Rail workforce. Key to this is opening new lines of communication and improving existing ones with the objective of improving efficiency. Squaredot were briefed with creating a flexible, high quality yet cost effective workspace, accommodating key user groups who were identified in the workplace analysis. Additionally, the available space needed to be maximised to its full potential and a complete overhaul of the buildings support services and infrastructure had to be implemented, in keeping with the conservation area restrictions.

The innovative choices that Squaredot made for the spaces and work settings around George Stephenson House has driven a revitalised enthusiasm for working in the building and has opened up the way people collaborate and socialise. Staff feel proud to host visitors in an environment that highlights and supports the working culture, ethics and values of Network Rail.

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