Venture House Celebrates its Official Opening


Squaredot and Stratford District Councils business incubation and co-working hub, Venture House was formally and officially opened today.

Squaredot have a strong pedigree with this “new” wave of collaborative working models.  Back in 2000 we developed and designed the UK’s first co-working, collaborative workplace for E-Office.  Ground breaking at the time, its success demonstrated to the market a need for a new, more flexible way of occupying space. Out with the old Serviced Office Model and in with a new collaborative one.

Spaces like Venture House will help encourage innovation in the local area and facilitate a new culture of collaboration within the business community already established. We hope this day marks the beginning of an exciting journey for the local entrepreneurship, celebrating new beginnings and development of many new enterprises. 

Watch the videos or check out our Twitter and Instagram feeds for more.

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