More Workplace Analysis Than Ever Before


So far 2016 has been the busiest we’ve ever had for Workplace Analysis. At the time of writing there are 3 workplace investigations being carried out at the same time.

That’s three very different clients committing to create spaces for their business to thrive based on their bespoke activities and aspirations for the future.  Our analysis approach allows us to create a truly bespoke workspace with these clients. Whilst giving us all confidence that the designs are thoroughly supported and informed by facts not creative whim. 

Squaredot strongly believe that you can’t design a truly successful workplace without first understanding the work being done.  At the same time we review the architecture, existing furniture & other physical assets.  We endeavour to challenge the logic behind throwing out the old and filling with new.

All of this provides us with facts and figures about the way clients work now.  Evidence that will inform the way they want to work in the future.  It also begins the engagement and communications process with the employees.   It is vital to tell staff what is going on and empower them to get involved and be part of it.  When people don’t know what’s happening and see strangers with clipboards watching them, it doesn’t take long for negative feelings and discontent to spread.

Our skill is building relationships. Through which we gain broad, comprehensive knowledge about a business.  The real genius is translating that raw fact into creative workplace designs.

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