IM Group's new HQ shortlisted for 2020 Regional BCO Awards


2020 has got off to a great start with IM Group’s new HQ facility in Solihull being shortlisted for the Regional Midlands BCO Awards 2020 in the corporate workplace category.  IM Group’s Managing Director, Andrew Edmiston stressed from the very outset of the project, “This company is all about its people. We need the best environment & facilities that suits the business and supports the staff.” The new HQ really does work hard to exceed expectations on every level, from its low carbon footprint to the high specifications and integrity of its materials, creating a landmark campus with a feeling of openness, drama and maturity.


With wellbeing at the heart of this project and a wealth of knowledge through our analysis and further workshops, our layouts offered a completely flexible and collaborative approach to working that would inspire and stimulate the working culture. Neighbourhoods provide a diverse range of work settings reflecting the different work styles and activities which in turn encourage movement and communication, creating a sense of community and a place where people enjoy spending their day. Clusters of sit / stand desks were planned throughout and punctuated by numerous types and styles of collaborative working zones that support the varying team requirements. Reinforced by a variety of meeting and break out spaces the neighbourhoods enable and encourage staff to choose how and where to work, meet and socialise. Work styles were challenged at all business levels with the entire executive team also moving away from cellular offices into an area, that would be open and approachable while remaining a professional environment to host global clients.


It is clearly evident that IM Group have invested significantly in the new campus and the team at Squaredot are proud to have been a part of a project that has not only created sustainable and efficient buildings but also given them a working environment that will enrich the lives of everyone working there, as well as helping to attract and retain talent in the future.


Andrew Edmiston stated that “the business was pleased to be renewing its commitment to the region, creating headquarters described by many of its delivery team as a ‘once in a lifetime’ project to work on.”


Andrew concluded: “The team have really put their heart & soul into creating the building”.


Good luck for the finals, to be held in Birmingham on 20th March 2020.

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